Friday, 19 October 2018

Explore Walk

Since Spring has now sprung... Rooms 13 and 14 decided to take a walk today to see the different plants and trees around our school, as well as collect nature items for our classrooms.  Looking forward to the creations our students will come up with using them during explore play time!

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Te Wa Toi !

This term the focus is on Art... and we're already getting started...

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Zoo Trip with Team 1

We started the term with an amazing trip to the zoo with all of Team 1.  What a fabulous way to begin our term - having the chance to see animals up close as we begin our Inquiry... and Miss Mason got introduced to the capybara!  I'm excited to see the discussions, writing, and artwork that comes out of taking a closer look into the lives of animals on our planet!