Thursday 6 June 2019

Honey Store Shopping

It's so much fun to play storekeeper and customer in our new honey shop.  We have to shop for groceries and ask the storekeeper for honey.  There are small sizes for $1, medium sizes for $2, and large sizes for $3.  Dayton and Noah just love being storekeepers and are pretty good salespeople!

Busy Beekeepers

We have a new beehive in Room 13.  We get to practise our beekeeping skills, but first we have to get our gloves, jackets, and beekeeping hats on to keep us from getting stung.  Then, we have to check the hive to see if it is healthy.  We do all of this to keep the bees safe while they make us honey!  We get to write on our checklist what is happening in the hive. 

We are "busy as bees" lately down at our end!