Monday, 1 July 2019

Matariki Fun Day

It was a glorious mess in Miss Mason's and Ms. Teleso's groups for the Matariki Fun Day!

We had a rotation with three different activities going on:  sweet-n-sour muffin baking, Matariki thankful star crafting, and star slime-making!  While the star slime did not turn out quite as expected, it was a great time experimenting with different recipes and learning to "just roll with it" :)  The muffins were super delicious and the stars turned out so beautifully!

Well done to our group and Happy Matariki to all!


Thursday, 6 June 2019

Honey Store Shopping

It's so much fun to play storekeeper and customer in our new honey shop.  We have to shop for groceries and ask the storekeeper for honey.  There are small sizes for $1, medium sizes for $2, and large sizes for $3.  Dayton and Noah just love being storekeepers and are pretty good salespeople!

Busy Beekeepers

We have a new beehive in Room 13.  We get to practise our beekeeping skills, but first we have to get our gloves, jackets, and beekeeping hats on to keep us from getting stung.  Then, we have to check the hive to see if it is healthy.  We do all of this to keep the bees safe while they make us honey!  We get to write on our checklist what is happening in the hive. 

We are "busy as bees" lately down at our end!

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Playing Teacher

It's so much fun being able to be the teacher in our very own play classroom.  We get to teach our friends the words we are learning and help each other write them.

We're very good at playing teacher!

Monday, 20 May 2019

Gymnastics with Coach Steve

We are having so much fun at Kiwisport gymnastics with Coach Steve.  Check out all these cool new skills we are learning and the fun activities we get to do.  We can't wait until next Monday when we get to give it a go again!

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Library Visits

We love sitting on these new homemade chairs to pick out our books when we visit the library.  Thank you, Mrs. Fester!

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Kindness & Kaitiakitanga

It's pink t-shirt week and we have been talking about kindness.  

Here's a few stories we made on our iPads today with Ms. Collins about Oat the Goat.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Getting our New Book Bags

It was an exciting day for our newest friends that have joined us this term as they got their Duffy book bags this morning.  We've had a great first week and we are looking forward to sharing lots more learning this year! Welcome to Room 13 and Team 1 :)

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

I Like Your Latitude

This term's theme is all about steps and directions.  We will be learning about how to keep the bees and their hives alive, asking the question:  Why are the bees dying?  Here's the Team 1 teacher's movie for the immersion assembly.  Enjoy!

Friday, 29 March 2019

Swimming at Glen Innes

This term, we have been so thrilled about being able to go swimming at our local YMCA.  So much fun!  We learned to float, kick, go under the water... and so much more!  Our swimming skills have improved and we are much more confident.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Playing and Writing

We've been trying something new this week - playing before writing, to give us some more ideas to create our stories!  We've also been practising our photo-taking skills at the same time.  Here's some of the photos that our students captured of their learning...

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Using the Lassoe Tool

Today we used the lassoe tool on our iPads to circle groups of numbers... and then we counted them to find out how many there were altogether.  Here is our work...
This is Diane's work... 2+2=4
This is Zaneta's work... 2+2=4

This is Carolina's work... 1+1=2

This is Kakala's work...  2+2=4

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Writing Numbers Using the Draw Tool

What an awesome time we had today learning how to take pictures and make them bigger or smaller in the Explain Everything app.  We even got to use the draw tool to write numbers to match our pictures!

This is Noah's picture.  There are 2 yellow bears. 
This is Mercy's picture.  There are 8 red bears.

This is Kordel's picture.  There is 1 blue bear.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu

Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu

We are very excited to shortly begin our new class blogging programme and hope to build our confidence and our understanding of Learn Create Share over the year.

We are ready as a class to connect, collaborate, support our cybersmart learning, and utilise our classroom blog as a powerful tool with you and hope that you will find it engaging and inspiring through reading and writing the comments we make and those you leave behind on our class (and in time) individual blogs.  

By using Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu we will harness our understanding of Learn, Create, Share and we are confident that with an authentic audience who will regularly comment, the learning we are sharing will develop too.

Welcome to our Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu team...we are so excited to get to know you and share our learning. We hope that we can create new ideas to support our connections and collaborations together.

Lets write to me, write to you

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

"Kawa of Care" iPad Routines

We had our second class with Ms. Collins today where we all learned about iPad safety together.  We watched the "Kawa of Care" iPad Safety video and had a little go in buddies taking pictures around our classroom and outside.  For writing today, our stories were about what we did with our iPads and how we take care of them!

Friday, 22 February 2019

Who Am I?

This term for Inquiry, Team 1 has been looking at the question:  Who Am I and What Is Important in My World?  In Maori class with Whaea Francis, we have been learning how to introduce ourselves as well.  Room 13 decided to do self-portraits to show what we look like... and we've even been practising introducing ourselves in Maori in writing.  We are super proud of our new art for the wall!

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

iPads with Ms. Collins

A few of us in Room 13 had our very first introduction to the iPads that we are going to get to use this year.  It was super great to have Ms. Collins visit and show us how to care for them.  We also got to take a few pictures of what our class was up to (stay tuned for the blog post!)

Here's what we learned:
- Walk with two hands or hug your iPad closely while walking or getting it from your teacher
- Never share iPads, always use the one your teacher gave you
- Always have them on a flat surface and never sitting half off a desk, etc.
- Be super still while taking photos so that they are not blurry
- Have your feet glued to the ground while taking photos

Great First Few Weeks!

Wow, what a great first few weeks we've had back in the classroom!  And for our littlies, this will be their very first time at school.  Learning to write our names, making new friends, painting pictures, playing in the sandpit, swinging on the monkey bars, and making chameleons with colours of our own... just a few of the fun things we've been up to!  Stay tuned for more.